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October 19, 2001
Vol. I, No. 20

"What's Mine Is Yours"
In my ongoing effort to make more community-centered, I have renamed the "Bach Stories" page to "Your Stories." This page will now be expanded beyond Bach-related experiences to include, among other things, stories of how you found your way to the pipe organ. Each of you has an interesting story to tell and it's a great way to get to know each other. This week, I've included the first ever Questionnaire as responded to by Jonathan Dimmock, organist, whose CDs are available in the CD Store.

Also, I've posted an announcement to the Free Classifieds page that was submitted by Keith Toth, Minister of Music at The Brick Church, New York City. His church will be the location for a lecture-masterclass conducted by Madame Langlais on Oct. 30th; click below for more details. I encourage all of you to submit announcements of upcoming events in your areas and use to reach more people. It's interesting to read about "goings-on" in the organ world, even if they're not in the immediate area. If I receive a sufficient number of submissions, I will create a separate Announcements page. [No longer functioning. -Ed.]

Here are some other pages that have been updated recently:
Feedback page: Updated 10-19-2001
Featured Links page: Link added that leads to Free Fonts. Also added to Resources page.
Musician Jokes page: Recent addition

Have a good week!

Dan Long

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