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November 2, 2001
Vol. I, No. 21

"Choosing An Organ"
I am grateful to Jim Gladstone for bringing to my attention a web presentation by his former student Ryan Hostler. Ryan's presentation introduces non-organists to the basics of sound generation on the pipe organ. Originally I only intended to add a link to his presentation from the Featured Links page but it occurred to me that a collection of informative links like Ryan's could be a valuable resource. Thus was born the "Choosing an Organ" resource page.

Ryan's link might come in useful if you need to make a quick presentation to the music committee or to illustrate a point. Along with Ryan's link, I have included a link to The Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America publications page which has publications related to planning an organ installation. I will add more links as I come across them and if you happen upon an appropriate link, please be sure to send it my way.

Your Stories
My last Rampage announced the change from Bach Stories to Your Stories. The most recent addition to the Your Stories page is Ryan Hostler, creator of the presentation discussed above. Ryan shares the story of how he came to play the organ (and it may sound familiar to many of you).

Have a good week!

Dan Long

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