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June 28, 2001
Vol. I, No. 8

"Was Bach Jewish?"
Buckle your seat belts for a thoroughly engaging romp with celebrated author and editor Norman Podhoretz. For those unfamiliar with his career, here's a short bio:

Norman Podhoretz bio

Mr. Podhoretz' article first appeared in Prospect magazine. From their homepage: "Prospect is the magazine for the intellectually curious general reader who appreciates finely written essays across the spectrum of political, intellectual and cultural debate. It is the intelligent monthly based in Britain - but with an international mind and an international readership." I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.

"Was Bach Jewish?" by Norman Podhoretz

I came across this month's highlighted articles while exploring the Open Directory Project (ODP) website. The ODP's goal is "to produce the most comprehensive directory of the web, by relying on a vast army of volunteer editors." They utilize literally thousands of volunteer experts who analyze and categorize websites which are then searchable by categories or keywords. Check it out:

Open Directory Project website

Another article I came across on the ODP was written by Patrick N. Findlay:

"J.S. Bach's Influence on W.A. Mozart"

I emailed Mr. Findlay and he gave me this update: "I wrote the paper while studying at the University of Texas at Austin for a class entitled 'J.S. Bach and his work' taught by Prof. Mark Louden. I graduated from UT-Austin with a BA in anthropology in 1999. Presently I am a law student at the University of Chicago and I will begin my third year this fall." Best of luck Patrick!

Finally, the ODP led me to an article by Uwe Siemon-Netto about the impact of Bach's music on the country of Japan, a topic touched on in this column back in May.

"J.S. Bach in Japan"

Here's a related article by Uwe Siemon-Netto:

"The Gospel According to J. S. Bach"

Once again we circle the globe. Thanks to J.S. Bach and the ODP!

Have a great week!

Dan Long

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